India to cut cement sector energy emissions by 20% over six years under carbon trading scheme -source

According Carbon Pulse News, India plans to require its cement sector to reduce energy-based emissions by 20% over six years, establishing a CO2 reduction trajectory as part of the country's Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS), according to government documents seen by Carbon Pulse.

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2025年第二次双周周期中ARB未发放碳抵消额 内容:根据周三州监管机构加州空气资源委员会(ARB)发布的数据,加州在今年最近的双周分配中未发行新的合规级碳抵消额,这标志着截至目前2025年中第二次未发放碳抵消额。

据 Carbon Pulse 报道,根据周三州监管机构加州空气资源委员会(ARB)发布的数据,加州在今年最近的双周分配中未发行新的合规级碳抵消额,这标志着截至目前2025年中第二次未发放碳抵消额。

By Anthony